Achiving The United Nations’ Sustainable Goals
Approach of Tetra Pak
As a company, Tetra Pak employ a holistic approach to sustainability that takes into account every part of their business. As a result of this approach, the company are aware that there is no alternative to tackling the interconnected nature of environmental, social, and economic challenges Tetra Pak face in order to develop a more sustainable future.
The reason Tetra Pak succeed is because their solutions are joined-up. As part of their sustainability story, which underpins the brand promise:
” Protects What’s GoodTM “
Tetra Pak use the pillars of safeguarding food, people, and futures to communicate and organise their priorities.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as part of the companies priority-setting process, and they classify them according to the most relevant ones for each of their pillars.
Tetra Pak’s present focus on the Sustainable Development Goals is a natural extension of its commitment to the UN Global Compact, which, as a signatory since 2004, is based on the ten principles outlined in the UN Global Compact.

We work to protect the sustainable future of our planet and the long-term success of our customers, as well as our own business. Our strategic goals are to lead with low-carbon solutions for a circular economy, and to enhance sustainability across the value chain, from sourcing to production to the end of life of our products.
Tetra Pak are committed to providing a safe food supply for everyone, wherever they are. Tetra Pak’s means of achieving this goal are changing as well. It is important to recognize that these trends also offer new

opportunities to make food safety and quality better than ever before, in addition to adding more flexibility, efficiency, and sustainability to the production process.
As a result of Tetra Pak’s packaging, food is protected without the need for preservatives or refrigeration, enabling them to save energy. At the end of the day, Tetra Pak packaging and production solutions also help to prevent food loss and which is designed and sized to fit perfectly and prevent food waste.
Tetra Pak further helps end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture and production by working on building value chains that are sustainable, such as by taking part in school feeding programs and Dairy Hubs.
Tetra Pak’s commitment under FOOD. mission to the UN SDGs

The biggest asset of Tetra Pak appears to be its employees. According to them, becoming a more attractive employer and becoming an employer that is more modern and attuned to the needs of today’s

business is the key to attracting and retaining the talent they need to achieve their strategy 2030 goals. It is in that spirit that we are taking steps to ensure diverse work forces, a culture of inclusion in which all employees can thrive, to enable flexible working and to promote learning and development within the company.
With a goal of zero work-related accidents and ill health, Tetra Pak’s safeguard their employees by promoting occupational health and safety and promoting well-being. In the current pandemic of COVID-19, being responsible for protecting the goodness of life has never been more important; Tetra Pak is taking extraordinary steps to ensure they can continue to have an impact on the health of their customers.
Tetra Pak’s commitment under PEOPLE. mission to the UN SDGs

As well as supporting the success of the business, Tetra Pak also works to support the sustainability of our planet. As part of Tetra Pak’s Strategy 2030, they have two ambitions:

to lead with circular economy solutions and enhance sustainability across the value chain.
They begin all of their efforts with their commitment to a circular economy that is low in carbon. For that reason, Tetra Pak has been working for years to reduce the environmental impact and increase the recyclability of its packages. Even after so many efforts, the beverage carton Tetra Pak has produced remains an ideal package: one that is 100% renewable and recyclable.
At the same time, Tetra Pak is working to protect biodiversity, and establish water stewardship, by working with their suppliers and through third-party verification. And finally, you can understand easily and feel it through the company culture they promote recycling and circularity, in all their activities and through partnerships worldwide.
Tetra Pak’s commitment under Future.(Planet.) mission to the UN SDGs

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